Drunk and Disorderly

Drunk and Disorderly
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55,871 Views 1 decade ago Drink & Drugs

More like drunk and passed the fuck out. Any place seems like paradise when you are drunk off your ass. These lovely drunkards show that you can pass out any where you please after a long da... Show more

  • stevenh915 July 5, 2011

    Ipecac for everyone who passes out, also one hand in a bowl of water so they piss themself's and just for good messure pull down there pants then spit into a condom and slide it onto a pencil and insert leaving half the condom hanging out, then pull there pants back up! they wont be to pleased when they wake up !

  • dirtmaster September 20, 2010

    Party fouls.

  • carinya July 8, 2010

    Mum and her new camera at my birthday bash. Memories forever.

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