Mini Cooper Chaos

Mini Cooper Chaos
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24,204 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

Not sure why anyone would attend a race that involved only Mini Coopers. I honestly wish that this car had demolished some people on it's chaotic path of destruction. Anyone that attends a M... Show more

  • mylarjorgen November 18, 2010

    That's one tough little car. looks like it rolled a few times but it's still in pretty good shape.

  • killtacular August 11, 2010

    I dunno, man. those Mini-cooper's look like they can get some hellacious airtime. I bet people go to these for the same reason they go to Nascar Races. For the Wrecks. I'd pay to see this shit, really.

  • wastelander41 July 24, 2010

    i guess they forgot a few "leftover" parts from the plastic modeling kit they built it from

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