Cellulite Carly has a lot of cushin' for the pushin' and she is ready to go. If you can look past all of that disgusting cellulite I think there is fun times to be had with good ol' girl Car...Cellulite Carly has a lot of cushin' for the pushin' and she is ready to go. If you can look past all of that disgusting cellulite I think there is fun times to be had with good ol' girl Carly. Put on your sympathy caps and beer goggles, then ask yourself: Would You Hit It?
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Wow, I actually thought it was another Tortured and Mutilated pic
Someone call Greenpeace and get her towed out to sea please.
Hit it? No thank you/non merci/nein danke/no grazie/ etc. Just to make sure...
With a bat