Crispy Critter

Thanks to Ren and Stimpy, I learned at a young age, don't whiz on the electric fence. This miserable son of a bitch learned the hard way. He won't be making that mistake again.

  • spike_big_bad June 19, 2011

    by the look of it he had something tied around his pines like a rubber band or string for to long and it died it is gone he will got to have it cut off pore bastard maybe they can put on a cow pines or guerrilla pines on for him or cut off a toe and make a new one but the one he has is dune for no fixing it it is dead clean throw i am glad i am not you

  • killtacular October 26, 2010

    Once you go black....

  • h4rdcor3 October 26, 2010

    Lordsho's nipples look like this

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