Stripper In Training

Mom is so proud of her little girl and wants to provide her with all the opportunity in the world. So instead of growing up to be a hooker on the corner, like Mommy, baby girl is getting gro... Show more

  • loli November 7, 2010



    -0That woman needs to be smacked upside the head. that is just not right

    You shouldn't copy the above you statements and try to make them your own.... u suck!

  • loli November 7, 2010



    --11tha mom needz to be slapped upside her head. dum hoe smh

    Aww hunni i know its hard but you really shouldn't talk about ur mummy that way!!

  • krazyk November 6, 2010

    Some people are just fucking dumb. I really home that bitch sees my comment on her dumb ass pic. Dumb bitch!

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