I've heard people talk about how heroin is the greatest high ever, but I really can't see how it's worth it, because the low is about as low as you can get. Yeah, that's just what I want wit...I've heard people talk about how heroin is the greatest high ever, but I really can't see how it's worth it, because the low is about as low as you can get. Yeah, that's just what I want with my life, to hang out in a dark corner of the world with a bunch of junkies who shit themselves and stick disease infested needles in each other. Sounds lovely.
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The guy on the bottom picture has his syringe the wrong way 180*, probably a fake picture. No one is that stupid
WTF.. I hate needles. I too will stay with rail fanning. Hey get stoned pass out on a set of tracks so I can take a picture of your torn up ass
my bong leaves NO tracks