Ahh yes, it's time to put the lights on the Christmas tree. The only way to do that is to get all naked, and well, put some lights on. These ladies are having a hard time getting the lights ...Ahh yes, it's time to put the lights on the Christmas tree. The only way to do that is to get all naked, and well, put some lights on. These ladies are having a hard time getting the lights up. I may have to lend them a hand.
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JADEN is king of crazyshit, maybe he should actually sign up before he throws his threats around, fucking childish cunt, for this I give him negative 1
JADEN is king of crazyshit, maybe he should actually sign up before he throws his threats around, fucking childish cunt, for this I give him negative 1
Mccracken - "ohshit...sometimes
it pays to be jewish - there would be seven days off these hot bitches!"
its actually 8...
anyways.... HO HO HO! Merry Fuckmas!