After all these years Lisa still loves dick. That's nice. I'm sure her husband and a few of the other fellas in the town love that she loves dick. She also loves anal, but they couldn't put ...After all these years Lisa still loves dick. That's nice. I'm sure her husband and a few of the other fellas in the town love that she loves dick. She also loves anal, but they couldn't put that all on the sign.
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lmao i bet she does.
The original sign seems to behere d&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=6809 +Belair+Rd,+Overlea,+Baltimore,+Maryland+21206&gl= us&ll=39.356733,-76.528466&spn=0.013987,0.033023&t =h&z=16&layer=c&cbll=39.356762,-76.528404&panoid=l DDuwLXTugEmEeCV8fbicg&cbp=12,179.92,,0,3.01