"I've been on your site enjoying everything you have to offer for about 7 yrs now. I finally have something to share and its gruesome. Figures now i've enjoyed user boobs and blown up peo..."I've been on your site enjoying everything you have to offer for about 7 yrs now. I finally have something to share and its gruesome. Figures now i've enjoyed user boobs and blown up people and its me that gets my thumb ripped off to submit to your site! It happened that my glove got caught in a cable snake as it turned and it ripped my thumb thru and caused my thumb to brake off at the knuckle bone with is exposed. I drove my work van in a blinding snow storm for 4 miles to get to a hospital i've never been to here in NYC! I hope that it makes your users gag and cringe! And yes it hurt like a mutherfuker! Thank you soo much for all the yrs of enjoyment and laughter. Crazyshit Rulz!"
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LMFAOOO!! its was the jerkin hand! no i didint scream like a bitch! I'ma post the after pics! ANd yes i can thumb a ride around a corner!
should a sent a vid of u wigglen it around ... or screamin like a bitch... that a made it alot better