This lady loves her some crazyshit, and we'd like to thank her for sharing the love. We need more ladies to express their love for CS by sending us user boobs. The supply is dwindling fast. ...This lady loves her some crazyshit, and we'd like to thank her for sharing the love. We need more ladies to express their love for CS by sending us user boobs. The supply is dwindling fast. In a week or so, it might have to be user submitted dicks, which believe me, we get plenty sent to us. So find some tits, write CS or crazyshit on them, and send them in.
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Hello again hanjob! I think I should have been a little more clear on one of my statements. Even though males don't get the cottage cheese appearence on our butts and thighs like women, our fat is stored on our chest and therefore much, much more unhealthy. Even though I don't think I could ever do it, even under total confidentiality, have u ever thought about putting up a pic of urself and see how everyone would react? Don't be offended by the question. Like I said I don't think there is a snow balls chance that I would do it.
I have never been a fighting type person but sometimes I wish I could find people off of here every now and then! There aren't many people that have that healthy mentality like you do. Little pockets of people like from Madison, Minneapolis, Seattle, Denver, etc...... do have it in spades but the cities promote that lifestyle heavily.
This site isn't the place for stimulating conversation but it is still nice to see everyonce in a while. Peace!!
Hey hanjob! You make a very valid point and obesity is definitely a health problem and it is getting much, much worse. I am not sure if I would put this particular lady in that category though. Now I will be the first to admit that I know very little about this so take my opinion with a grain of salt. An advantage that I am sure that yuou girls have on us is the location of your fat.
I stand by my comments about all the little punks that saw fit to downgrade this lady. Many of them have this problem because they get their ONLY jollies from computer sites. That is sad in itself! Peace all!
Hello again hanjob! I think I should have been a little more clear on one of my statements. Even though males don't get the cottage cheese appearence on our butts and thighs like women, our fat is stored on our chest and therefore much, much more unhealthy. Even though I don't think I could ever do it, even under total confidentiality, have u ever thought about putting up a pic of urself and see how everyone would react? Don't be offended by the question. Like I said I don't think there is a snow balls chance that I would do it.
I have never been a fighting type person but sometimes I wish I could find people off of here every now and then! There aren't many people that have that healthy mentality like you do. Little pockets of people like from Madison, Minneapolis, Seattle, Denver, etc...... do have it in spades but the cities promote that lifestyle heavily.
This site isn't the place for stimulating conversation but it is still nice to see everyonce in a while. Peace!!
Hey hanjob! You make a very valid point and obesity is definitely a health problem and it is getting much, much worse. I am not sure if I would put this particular lady in that category though. Now I will be the first to admit that I know very little about this so take my opinion with a grain of salt. An advantage that I am sure that yuou girls have on us is the location of your fat.
I stand by my comments about all the little punks that saw fit to downgrade this lady. Many of them have this problem because they get their ONLY jollies from computer sites. That is sad in itself! Peace all!