Resteth Thy Head Upon Thy Bosom

Boobs are the greatest thing ever and they have so many different uses. Most of them involve me getting a nut off, but sometimes they are just practical. When she tires and must lay her head... Show more

  • jamesbond March 29, 2011

    This bitch got implants just to fall asleep like that.

  • skydiver29 March 23, 2011

    Is it a wonder why your tits have a banana between them and not a dick? I am a copy/paste GOD!!

  • skydiver29 March 23, 2011

    IE "wendi you dumb twat its not real" djective

    1. belonging or pertaining to the origin or beginning of something, or to a thing at its beginning: The book still has its original binding.

    2. new; fresh; inventive; novel: an original way of advertising.

    3. arising or proceeding independently of anything else: an original view of history.

    4. capable of or given to thinking or acting in an independent, creative, or individual manner: an original thinker.

    5. created, undertaken, or presented for the first time: to give the original performance of a string quartet.

    6. being something from which a copy, a translation, or the like is made: The original document is in Washington.


    7. a primary form or type from which varieties are derived.

    8. an original work, writing, or the like, as opposed to any copy or imitation: The original of this is in the British Museum.

    9. the person or thing represented by a picture, description, etc.: The original is said to have been the painter's own house.

    10. a person whose ways of thinking or acting are original: In a field of brilliant technicians he is a true original.

    11. Archaic . an eccentric person.

    12. Archaic . a source of being; an author or originator.

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    ------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------


    1300–50; Middle English < Latin or&#299;gin&#257;lis (adj.) and Medieval Latin or&#299;gin&#257;le original document (noun use of neuter adj.), equivalent to or&#299;gin- ( see origin) + -&#257;lis -al1

    —Related forms

    non·o·rig·i·nal, adjective, noun

    non·o·rig·i·nal·ly, adverb

    pre·o·rig·i·nal, adjective

    pre·o·rig·i·nal·ly, adverb

    qua·si-o·rig·i·nal, adjective

    qua·si-o·rig·i·nal·ly, adverb

    un·o·rig·i·nal, adjective

    un·o·rig·i·nal·ly, adverb


    1. primary, primordial, primeval, primitive, aboriginal. 7. archetype, pattern, prototype, model.

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