Last Stop For This Bus

The bus has made it's final stop. Falling backwards off an overpass is a hell of a lot more fun than you would expect to have riding a bus. And the annoying guy in back finally shut the fuck... Show more

  • ohwickedwendi May 6, 2011

    Smudge is just jealous because he can't think of anything original to post...You go on with your bad self, Two-Hats!

  • beerbelly May 6, 2011

    @smudge sorry I can't help it I used to be a comedian but I had to stop because everyone kept laughing at me. You know if you don't like it just give me a -1 or put me on ignore, either way I couldn't give a shit what you say. Where are your comments?

  • downunder69 May 6, 2011

    no stevie wonder bus driving jokes please , .. heard them all before

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