I Think She's Been Dead A While

It's always a nice surprise to find a body that's been rotting for a few days or more. They look so peaceful and without a care in the world. I'm sure they as good as lovely flowers blossomi... Show more

  •   maddog123 May 8, 2015

    When I first started drinking which was first day out of boot camp my buddy's got me drunk and laid now I don't remember the fucking part but I remember the waking up part and dam that woman in Lawton looks just like this bitch this one here on this post might be in better shape I mean waking up still pretty drunk and starring you in the face is a goddam monster I didn't even get all of my uniform came back on base half naked stinking of puke and monster pussy and wouldn't you know it I got thru the gate but I didn't get past my still drill instructor by the time he got thru with me he had me wishing I was back at that hotel eating that monsters pussy !

  • donunderstan October 13, 2013

    She looks surprised to see me.

  • mylarjorgen September 5, 2011

    Is there a fly on my nose?

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