Starbutts is the only place I got to get my tanning on. I also like a nice Brazilian wax every few weeks or so. Keeps me feeling silky smooth. Oddly enough, there is a Starbucks right next t...Starbutts is the only place I got to get my tanning on. I also like a nice Brazilian wax every few weeks or so. Keeps me feeling silky smooth. Oddly enough, there is a Starbucks right next to Starbutts. Don't get those two confused, you don't want a hot, expensive cup of coffee poured on your private parts.
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Blacks wouldn't go there, tanning is also called sunBATHING, and we all know the niggers don't like to bath.
no blacks allowed
starbucks should sue for trademark infringemnet on the basis of likelyhood of confusion.