Knock The Nazi Out

I think the story is this guy was at a party and trying to turn people into white supremacists with him, and nobody was having it. Then he started mouthing off to some girls, and this is how... Show more

  • gothicgirl August 22, 2023

    and yet you people say that only all black lives matter making it sound like white lives don't matter and that being white is bad just like how you think nazis are extremely bad because they believe in a different region and race

  • gothicgirl August 22, 2023

    like literally you guys say nazis are bad because they killed a bunch of people but are totally fine with Mexican cartels and members who are a part of the Mexican cartel who are literally criminals who behead people and probably kill way more people than Hitler every year every day every minute every second and every hour at least I can name some good things that nazis have done I will name one thing right now 1. Banning Vivisection 2. Animal Conservation 3. Anti-Tobacco Movement 4. Welfare Programs 5. The Volkswagen 6. Autobahn 7. Father of Modern Rocketry 8. Innovations in Film 9. Medical Advances now tell me what good things Mexcian Cartels Have done

  • gothicgirl August 22, 2023

    you know what's funny people say oh no nazis are bad they killed a bunch of people they should all die and burn in hell but when it comes to stuff that's way worse than nazis like Mexican cartels and Satanists people say oh that's fine

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