Damn, I just got these shoes too. They're still a nice, crisp white and I sure as shit don't want any blood and guts on them. Why the hell did they have to pile all these bodies up on my str...Damn, I just got these shoes too. They're still a nice, crisp white and I sure as shit don't want any blood and guts on them. Why the hell did they have to pile all these bodies up on my street? Can't they find a better spot? Good thing I got some polish back at the crib.
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This is a KKK breeding ground. Dark ppl are hated for being dark. Dumbass, backwards, shit bathing, cross dressing, fag, rednecks are loved and at full force here.I'd like to find one of you in RL to see how you act. PUSSY ass sister fuckers. Your insecurity is the best and helps my cause. Keep acting superior while we breed your white women(they love us and our swag) until your kind is no more. I got two hot white business chicks and they love my dick. We are not as stupid as most crackers I meet and getting smarter as you get robbed and raped(affirmative action anyone?). U mad whitey?
This is a KKK breeding ground. Dark ppl are hated for being dark. Dumbass, backwards, shit bathing, cross dressing, fag, rednecks are loved and at full force here.I'd like to find one of you in RL to see how you act. PUSSY ass sister fuckers. Your insecurity is the best and helps my cause. Keep acting superior while we breed your white women(they love us and our swag) until your kind is no more. I got two hot white business chicks and they love my dick. We are not as stupid as most crackers I meet and getting smarter as you get robbed and raped(affirmative action anyone?). U mad whitey?
Dead nigger storage.
I see dead people....