Are You On The Wall Of Condoms?

Are You On The Wall Of Condoms?
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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
44,788 Views 1 decade ago WTF

I bet that room smells real good. Nothing pleases the nose like the aroma of old latex filled with jizz and covered in cunt juices. This is probably the I bet that room smells real good. Nothing pleases the nose like the aroma of old latex filled with jizz and covered in cunt juices. This is probably the loony bitch that painted her boyfriend's truck. I think I see Jared from Subway on that wall. Show more

  • mamzer68 March 24, 2019

    A lot of dead soldiers on them walls.

  • x361texasx May 11, 2012

    dam ppl get all racist up in here im white and what? if i so happen to wear a condom i wear an xl and it fits just fine. so im just gonna say it like this...

    crackers have small dick, we have 3 first names, were all racist and were always drunk and coked up..... and we always kill are wifes

    niggers like to steal rob and shoot up ppl. while the women are also shooting... just up.... yall like grape drink and eat fried chicken. lliers cheaters and wife beaters

    spics are just plane ignorant steal everything from you are def always coked up. spray paint there cars, and rims, bikes etc. and liers and cheater

    im not racist. my lil girl is hispanic filipina and white yeah shes a mutt. my best friend happens to be black. im tired of heaing racist remarks.

    dont profile someone unless u want to be profiled

  • celtickhan May 9, 2012

    Numberonefans like.... I need my crazystraw!!

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