Big User Titties For Friday

Friday is here and so are these big old user titties. Guess who they love. CS, that's who. Thanks for sending them in. We sure could use some more user boobs and butts, so write crazyshit on... Show more

  • ohwickedwendi May 20, 2012

    Quit lying skydiver--your funky ass loves my tits.

  • skydiver29 May 20, 2012

    ^^^you want to fuck around with wendi??? You must be, A)living in middle America, B)just got out of prison, C)batshit crazy, D)all of the above. fuckin yuck!!!

  • ghosthunter May 20, 2012

    I love those titties!! I would play with those puppys all day long!!! And Wendi. I would love to play with your boobies too!

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