Can anyone figure it out?

Can anyone figure it out?
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Henry M. User Avatar
Henry M.
43,276 Views 1 decade ago WTF

What the fuck is going on in this picture. I'm a little confused as to what the fuck this is. My best guess is that it's a buttplug stuffed into somebody's colostomy hole. Hmmmmm...a girl wi... Show more

  • zombiexstfu July 30, 2012

    What it possisbly might be is vesicoureteral reflux which is mostly found in children but can happen in adults

  • clwhite July 28, 2012

    i would rather pour sand in my ears than find out what that thing is

  • number1dnvrfan July 25, 2012

    It's a dude with a really teeny weeny and a purple dildo stuck in his stoma. The stoma replaces the usual a-hole by re-routing the intestines elsewhere, such as through the abdominal wall, because the bunghole muscles no longer work right. Sometimes it's because of cancer, other time because of too much use/abuse. The usual is to have a bag taped to the opening and not a purple dildo plugging it. The weird scar on the hip is and old stoma that's been closed up, maybe sticking too many dildos in there.

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