Big Love From User Boobs

Here's a pair of big ol' boobies that love CS. Thanks for sharing with us. If you have tits and you love crazyshit, then write crazyshit on those jugs and Here's a pair of big ol' boobies that love CS. Thanks for sharing with us. If you have tits and you love crazyshit, then write crazyshit on those jugs and send us pictures. Don't think about it, just do it. Show more

  • thestrangler August 11, 2012

    @eltrut you goddamn right it's their fault! These chicks think CS is a dumpster of perverted wankers with no standards. Sadly, some users live up to that prejudice. On the side of the spectrum you have real Men like biggertalk and lightfighter who actually have some decency and give'em the shit storm they deserve.

  • eltrut August 8, 2012

    Why does everyone thumb down Lightfighter's comments? He only speaks the truth. These nasty attention whores send in their pics. It's THEIR faults.

  • barackosama August 7, 2012

    Holy shit... Baraka's mom.

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