This Russian chick sent me this picture she claimed was her, and very much wanted me to post it. I'm always skeptical when somebody says it's them in the pic, so I asked her to send me her b...This Russian chick sent me this picture she claimed was her, and very much wanted me to post it. I'm always skeptical when somebody says it's them in the pic, so I asked her to send me her boobs with CS on them, and low and behold, she did. I'll post those soon. I'm actively working on getting more pics from her too. In just one day, she's already contributed way more than most of you fucking goons have.
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Adam, after so much time passed please feel free to put my picture with Homer Simpson tattoo on my pussy back to this page ;-)
Nnoocha, нет уж, не надо нам ТАКОЙ славы ;-)... спасибки... P.S. Ты меня знаешь по хамстеру ?
krull1976, да ладно, ты и так уже всемирно известнаяинтерне& #1090;-шлюшка :) подумаешь, была бы еще на crazyshit :)