Be Careful When Camping With These Guys

"Went camping with some friends last year. We were partying at campgrounds. One of the guys we were partying with lives close by and owns a metal fabricating shop. So we went to his shop ... Show more

  • harly9 June 28, 2015

    Welp. I'm impressed!

  • rodgtard September 23, 2012

    Filled a 29 gallon trash bag with oxygen and acetylene. Right when it got full static electricity set it off. The explosion racked all three of us, blew the sky light out of the garage ceiling. The explosion left denim imprint on our legs. Never did one that big again.

  • bwooly September 19, 2012

    hey pizzapie.... if I could fuck myself I wouldn't need the internet. And if stoopid white trash redneck mutherfuckers are gonna upload novellas they should at least get a dick-shun-airy..... or sumthin....

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