Fine collection of titties.

Fine collection of titties.
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Henry M. User Avatar
Henry M.
47,391 Views 1 decade ago Slutty

So, ladies and gentlemen, let's hear your preference. All of em look absolutely delicious. I'd tongue-punch all of shit-boxes! But, if I had to choose, I'd go with the one on the right. She'... Show more

  •   rockinron October 15, 2012

    gunz you like that one? someone threw it at me when i was about 25. i been throwing back at others for years . its a good one

  •   rockinron October 15, 2012

    ven0m89 because a real woman that has no need for other men has no reason to show them what she has. took me forever to find my wife. i used to bug her about being a user bewb pic. but then i realised it only degrades her from the being fine inside and out to being looked at like a piece of meat. so i stopped bugging her.

  • clunt October 15, 2012

    It would be nice to actually see their tits. But very nice none the less.

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