Band-Aid User Boobs

Preferemshaved had his lady bust her titties once again for us, so be sure to thank him and her. If you have tits, we want to see them, so write crazyshit on them and Preferemshaved had his lady bust her titties once again for us, so be sure to thank him and her. If you have tits, we want to see them, so write crazyshit on them and send us some pictures. User boobs make this world a better place. Show more

  • eltrut November 12, 2012

    Nice cans, but there's no way she is 5'5" 120 pounds. No fucking way.

  • mrbacon November 11, 2012

    ^^^ true that. Idk how anyone could disgrace these beauties. Thanks prefermshave and your girl

  • gunz November 10, 2012

    all the dudes talking shit about preferemshaved's girl are fucking idiots. jealous idiots

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