Shitting And Shooting

Shitting And Shooting
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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
45,695 Views 1 decade ago War

That's some good old American multitasking right there. Why not get a little target practice in while dumping out your morning shit. It's a wise use of time if you ask me. Hoorah!

  • backyardbortions June 17, 2021

    Literally a crazy shit

  • buttplugger December 22, 2012

    "I should have had my nutsack implanted over left eye like the previoue pic, would have enhanced my vision making me a better sniper".

  •   happyjack December 22, 2012

    @whobe the fact that you see this picture and saying nigger is the best thing that you can come up with, shows that you are an uncreative mental midget. I don't like picking on challenged people so I'm done. Good luck in the special Olympics next year, remember you are all winners.

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