He'll Be Late For Dinner

He'll Be Late For Dinner
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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
29,186 Views 1 decade ago Extreme Content

This is why I only drive cars that have doors. They make me feel safe, like I won't fall out of the car and crack my skull open on the pavement. It sounds pretty good in theory.

  • ghosthunter January 10, 2013

    It was his time to go..

  •   rockinron January 10, 2013

    clitoris, eat some fucking chocolate and change your rag!!

  • unknown January 10, 2013

    @brandon, yes and I noticed the totally random dead body lying in the car, it's a fucking drink bottle and it's on the dash board where it would end up, due to flying through the air at impact, or being placed there between drinks?

    You are a paranoid fucker, aren't you?

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