We have a situation...

...seriously...It's the situation from Jersey Shore. Seems he spent a little too much ti... Show more

  • ven0m89 April 21, 2013

    And yes I'm quite aware of what agent orange was before you gave your stupid ass explanation, I think you got exposed to the shit too.

  • ven0m89 April 21, 2013

    Hey rockinron it's funny I thought this was agent orange it also was one of the first images pulled up on google for "agent orange" also wiki..en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agent_Orange, so go fuck your self in the tickle taco, just because you sucked some GI's off in the service doesn't make you a millIitary expert..also I'm curious to what your explanation for this mangled gook is? Ill be waiting.

  • spartan22407 April 21, 2013

    That's the worst case of Shingles I have ever seen on a dude before...actually I’m positive, look it up. Put some butter on that radiation burn...

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