Oklahoma Tornado Aftermath

Damn, the tornadoes certainly fucked shit up in Oklahoma. Here are just a few pictures of some of the aftermath. I can't even imagine going through some shit like that.

  • firstclass June 3, 2013

    that's a nice scrap pile.

  • killtacular May 27, 2013

    I'm from Oklahoma. THose of you little bitches joking about it should come live here for a couple of years. I'll bet you'd shit your Brooks Brother's PJ's if you so much as heard a Tornado siren go off. Bunch'a motherfuckers talkin' some mad shit from the safety of regions not constantly in the path of disaster. But, you know what they say, right? It takes BALLS OF STEEL to live in Tornado Alley. Oh, and we also get earthquakes. This makes Oklahoma the most HARDCORE STATE IN THE UNION. So fuck all'a y'all haters.

  • warfighter64 May 25, 2013

    I heard the best blow jobs were in Oklahoma....

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