Fun With Mortars

Anyone who says alcohol and fireworks don't mix is dead wrong. Obviously they don't want to see hands blown the fuck up, but we sure do. He's still got one hand, so get this asshole another ... Show more

  • leeviggy July 11, 2013

    This was at skatopia. He had a quarter stick of dynamite in a mortar tube. I heard the boom and the screams and rolled over in my tent and went back to sleep. We call it the "Skatopia Handjob".

  • drewchoctaw June 30, 2013

    looks like skatopia

  • misfit_88 June 30, 2013

    ouch- that's gotta hurt. at least he still has his thumb though-it looks like it is still there...i wonder whats with the nigger hugging him.I thought they were only capable of violence,thuggery and theft! not love and compassion! you learn something new every day!

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