Where You Been Putting Your Fingers?

Where You Been Putting Your Fingers?
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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
25,625 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

Hey Doc, before you fix my hand up I gotta post this shit on facebook and let everyone know I fucked up. I bet I'll get a bunch of likes for this one.

  • nubclub July 22, 2013

    After they're completely gone, he'll love it. I did that with a lawnmower myself up to the first knuckle. Women just love it when you're doing the nasty, and it's just smoooooth sailing in all the right places. His balance will be 10X better, his ability to detect changes in the weather, his engineering skills will be better, and most importantly, he'll meet more people curious to know what happened. He'll give a massage to die for. He'll be able to trace his hand as a signature that even the finest forger in the world will never be able to copy.

    So you see, it's not quite as bad as you might think. You just have to have the right perspective. Does he have half a hand, or no hand at all.

  • tandemznmotion July 10, 2013

    LMAO@ Rockinron!!!

  • ryanscott1989 July 10, 2013

    they must if just shot him up with some morphine.

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