I don't know what weirds me out more, his lack of nipples or his face. He looks like Drew Carry had a sex change but decided against the tits. Whatever. I just want to see that chick show he...I don't know what weirds me out more, his lack of nipples or his face. He looks like Drew Carry had a sex change but decided against the tits. Whatever. I just want to see that chick show her tits.
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If this person's breasts were removed there would be scars. There are none so I'm going with the whole alien thing, that or it's just some ugly motherfucker!
What a dumb bitch!
If this person's breasts were removed there would be scars. There are none so I'm going with the whole alien thing, that or it's just some ugly motherfucker!
Met a guy a few years ago and he had had breast cancer (yes you dummies men can get it too) and in the pool he looked just like this.