That ain't going to work!

That ain't going to work!
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Henry M. User Avatar
Henry M.
37,146 Views 1 decade ago Accidents

That's not how you do it bro! What the fuck? You have to shape, prime and fill before you go jamming it through your finger.

  • gangstakiller January 12, 2014

    biggertalk.....i believe i saw your mother and sister in a picture with a white girl and a dildo boob slapping each other.. was that original enough for you?

  • pinkdildolickr January 11, 2014

    @usagold, I'd guess he was using a progressive reloading press and pulled the handle before his hand was clear. Plenty of leverage to drive the casing though your finger if you fuck up

  • biggertalk January 11, 2014

    giving toreal shit for not saying something original bitch please you should say the same to those gay turd pushers whobe and honkie365.

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