Look what we have here!

Three arms one asshole! That the fuck? How do you go through life with an asshole so loose? He has to shit every time he sneezes! Fuck!

  • misfit_88 January 19, 2014

    holy fuck... that dude would have to wear a nappy all day coz ill bet the shit just falls outta there.when all the queers say they are proud to be gay i guess they are proud of feats like like this. he's all like "yeah, well i can fit 4 arms up my ass- how about you?"

  • handsomedevil January 18, 2014

    @dozer67 love you, broski. nobody ever acknowledges me on this site. BALLS!

  • biggertalk January 18, 2014

    Fucking white people, huh?!

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