Drugs, Guns and Crazyshit

Drugs, Guns and Crazyshit
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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
31,917 Views 1 decade ago Drink & Drugs

Drugs and firearms, I have a feeling a lot of our fans appreciate both of those things. Just be careful not to shoot your bong. Scrubbing bong water out of the carpet is no fun. Now take a r... Show more

  • rodeye2 February 15, 2014

    @solidbriscoe,there's no such thing as an assault rifle or gun,all weapons were designed to assault somebody. This is a term the gun hater groups want us to keep on using to justify their agenda,try military weapon it makes more sense.

  • sirpussalot February 14, 2014

    Ok who's Trailer is it ?

  • preferemshaved February 14, 2014

    ^cmon biggertalk. The only thing keeping the government in some form of check is the tea party. Without them, the liberal puppets would have our right abolished by now. Ron paul is the only one that made sense in 2012!!!!

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