Would you hit it? Weird tits Wendy

Would you hit it? Weird tits Wendy
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Big Jeff
47,785 Views 1 decade ago WTF

Wow Wendy you really botched those nudes. How bad are your tits that you have to take nudes upside down to make them look like a two year old made them from silly putty. I order a redo where... Show more

  • mr.voorhees April 15, 2017

    That's what u get from all that rubber stripe bondage! NOPE.

  • potrostation April 2, 2014

    Tit's ere like pizza. Any is better then none.

  • loulou April 2, 2014

    This bitch was dumb enough to believe the man behind the camera when he told her no one would ever see this picture!! If I had tits like that no one would ever see them!!

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