The newest addition to the strongman challenges is a little fucked up. I'll just sit back and be weak along with the other not so fucked up people. Pretty odd fact about it though is suppose...The newest addition to the strongman challenges is a little fucked up. I'll just sit back and be weak along with the other not so fucked up people. Pretty odd fact about it though is supposedly our skin if properly hooked to a patch of skin can hang or pull up to 300lbs. Of course I've never tested this info on my taint, but I will let you guys try it out just be sure to document it for our scientific purposes.
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@solidbriscoe It's like ""MOTHER FUCKIN" BLUE FUCK NO!!!!!"" Do this Fucks enjoy torchering them selves?? The sick MOTHER FUCKIN" BOITCHESS!!!!
Sincerely, Robert Hallock
the truckingman.
Is that a little puddle of piss and turd pellets behind him? I'd imagine that the pain from that probably would make somebody shit.
Nope wouldn't shit on that fag he would like it...