Don't Order The Lemonade

Don't Order The Lemonade
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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
30,959 Views 1 decade ago Asians

Do they have bathrooms in China? What the fuck is wrong with these people? I mean, besides them being Chinese. Of course they have to have the most people in the world too.

  • cellule November 10, 2014

    Kids have to learn how to drink with only one chopstick.

  • longhungwong November 9, 2014

    I think the bigger problem is outsourcing jobs to foreign countries.. best example is call centers moving to India and Costa Rica... also huge companies avoid even paying any taxes at all like Google does.

  •   happyjack November 9, 2014

    ^^^ I get it but nobody is being forced at gunpoint to work there. The simple fact that Walmart has a right to import goods and sell whatever they choose is what our freedom is all about. The Internet itself has shut down thousands of mom and pop brick and mortar businesses, but we have to live with that as well. Business is all about adapting and changing with the times or you will be left behind. I speak from my own experiences.

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