Love Those Native Sluts

Love Those Native Sluts
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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
49,737 Views 1 decade ago Slutty

What good is a holiday if you can't look at some kind of hot festive slut on that holiday? No good at all. I've never actually seen a hot Native American chick in real life before. I've know... Show more

  • fingers November 28, 2014

    She's 1 in a million for sure.

  • sbohica November 28, 2014

    Handsome, I wouldn't classify as genocide. I would call it more of a conqer. Early settlers did train em to gas chambers, they just took over without giving a shit!!! Either way, its horrible in both instances...

  • handsomedevil November 28, 2014

    the native american genocide is the greatest genocide ever archived in the annals of mankind's history, and yet, all the genocide we ever hear about is the holocaust. it really pays to run the media, i guess.

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