"Ok guys...been seeing everyone elses fucked up fingers so I decided to send you mine. I used to drive big truck (was my company actually) and I was picking up a flatbed load at Ft. Leona..."Ok guys...been seeing everyone elses fucked up fingers so I decided to send you mine. I used to drive big truck (was my company actually) and I was picking up a flatbed load at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO. It was two 2000 gallon water hippos. They put them on my deck and I had to secure them with chains and binders. I was having a hard time getting a binder to secure (since I placed it way to low on the deck) and I had a brilliant idea on how to make it pull over. I put my pull over bar on the binder and decided to jump off the deck while holding onto the bar to secure the binder. It worked but my hand did not get out of the way. My little finger was crushed in between the bar and a stake pocked on the side of the trailer. After controlling the bleeding, I borrowed a private to finish securing the load. Being prior service I thought for sure the on post hospital would help out. Nope, I had to drive for 45 min to the next closest hospital while on the phone with my wife so that I would stay awake. End result is I lost the tip of my finger and the tip of my bone due to the crush impact on it. Enjoy."
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Holy shit, I didn't know there were so many people who hated their fingers! Seriously though, hope that heals up quickly. Kudos on doing a job that most wouldn't be able to do for longer than a couple of weeks before quitting due to the stress.
First pic looks from the thumbnail picture like a dick. (;
I picture you doing this in my head and there is a big red line thru it, what were you thinking ?
Holy shit, I didn't know there were so many people who hated their fingers! Seriously though, hope that heals up quickly. Kudos on doing a job that most wouldn't be able to do for longer than a couple of weeks before quitting due to the stress.