Mammary Mondays: Freshly oil guns

Mammary Mondays: Freshly oil guns
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Big Jeff
44,942 Views 1 decade ago Slutty

Helen has her Howitzers oiled up and ready to go. Proper gun care never fell on deaf ears in her house. Now before they go off let's take a trip into the her bunker is her butth... Show more

  • cheshiregrin January 21, 2015

    @cellule I only +1'd you because you actually seem to know basic math. But I'll answer you and @darkmadness at once: Seems to me that even if I were looking at her face-to-face with both of us standing up properly, she wouldn't have that much of a hip-to-waist ratio. I don't have anything against people who prefer waifs, it's just that I'm looking for more meat on the bone. I felt like I was going to snap the few chicks I've tried doing anything with that were as tiny as the chick in the picture.

  • breakfastblunt January 21, 2015

    Glad to see that you guys decided to leave the dick out of this pic.

  • darkmadness January 21, 2015

    @Cheshiregrin, She does have curves I said "similar", And the photo of this girl is done on an angle,If she stood straight in front of the camera you would see her curves.

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