Mammary Monday: The Golden Hills

Mammary Monday: The Golden Hills
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Big Jeff
36,125 Views 9 years ago Slutty

When we say, "those are perfect tits" really all we're saying is wow those tits are amazing. Well these tits fall in that category top points in size, shape, nipple puffiness, and complexion... Show more

  • cheshiregrin February 3, 2015

    I'd love to nibble on those mini-marshmallow nips.

  • grinch69 February 3, 2015

    I beleave her name is Candice B. But can't be positive, if I'm wrong please correct me. This is one of those photos that come around ones in a blue moon, she's beautiful, it's very sexy, a realistic pose and just the rite amount of nudity to leave your amagination craving more. I give the photographer props.

  • bigtex February 3, 2015

    "Too skinny", usually words coming from another woman that is not, "too skinny"!! Simply not being over weight does not equal "too skinny"!! That's like me telling a woman her boyfriend's dick is too big. This girl is damn sexy!! Send her "skinny" ass to me and I'll give her my "too big" dick!!

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