Mammary Monday: JJ Abrams Edition

Mammary Monday: JJ Abrams Edition
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39,661 Views 9 years ago Slutty

It seems everyone these days are adding sun flares to shit to spice it up. JJ Abrams being the worst one. I think it's lame 9 times out of 10. I mean sure it adds immersion,but it gets in th... Show more

  • darkmadness February 17, 2015

    I would start motorboating her ass then move up to her sweet boobies!

  •   whobe February 17, 2015

    @nybadguy I never personally met him but he is a lot better than the one the radical rag heads believe in. Lets say I had a brush in but never felt compelled to leave Crazy Shit like Ron did. The problem I see with some people is they come here and take these comments seriously. To me anyway changing everything you do on your last days to ask for forgiveness is a cop out, if you are going to change your ways to be a better person you need to do it now not at the last minute. I'm a sinner but am I a bad person? I don't believe so.

  •   picklehiesner February 17, 2015

    She sure can stir her pudding

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