I appreciate that advice and I hope people remember to toke up when they see that sign. If everyone was high while they were driving, there would be no road rage, and accidents would never b...I appreciate that advice and I hope people remember to toke up when they see that sign. If everyone was high while they were driving, there would be no road rage, and accidents would never be fatal since everyone would be driving 10 mph under the speed limit.
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There was a bill on the books for the legalisation of weed here in Florida, but it got shot down. I hope one day some it will happen for Florida and the rest of the USA...
Like I need a reminder?
There was a bill on the books for the legalisation of weed here in Florida, but it got shot down. I hope one day some it will happen for Florida and the rest of the USA...
Sincerely, Robert Hallock
the truckingman.
I wish it was legal in Florida DAM POLITICS!!!