WTF with the Nut Torture

WTF with the Nut Torture
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31,531 Views 9 years ago Accidents

Dude, come on, why do you do this? Your only answer should be that you lost a bet. That's it, no other excuse. That's it white guys, you need Dude, come on, why do you do this? Your only answer should be that you lost a bet. That's it, no other excuse. That's it white guys, you need someone to kick you in the nuts. Wait, you might light that too. Fucking white guys. Show more

  • freexbird1968 June 21, 2016

    where is a hottie to do that for me?

  • only1hans April 6, 2015

    Fuck you and the horse you rode in on....Not even on a good day...This mother fucker needs to learn about pyrotechnics.....

  • xizang April 4, 2015

    I can't believe they couldn't stretch his bag out any farther. Either it's an incredibly small bag or they didn't pull out and stretch it right.

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