Please don't give these to stupid people

Please don't give these to stupid people
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Big Jeff
32,832 Views 9 years ago Funny

Where are they handing these out. I know the whole lot of these had to been given out to the dumbest assholes out there. Hopefully they're at least cute and dumb so their babies have one red... Show more

  • handsomedevil April 21, 2015

    i love being the only mexican with balls on this site. stay posting those vids with bowling pins in your ass whilst stroking your spliced cocks. at least we get off with some sort of semblance of human decency and normalcy. your mother should have swallowed the lot of you's.

  • wifebeater2000 April 21, 2015

    this is where child support comes from

  • tj72 April 21, 2015

    You give these out to prevent stupid people from reproducing. Derrrr.

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