Celebrate Diversity

Celebrate Diversity
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Adam H. User Avatar
Adam H.
28,665 Views 9 years ago Funny

I'm taking a wild guess that this guy isn't much of a world traveler. In fact, it's quite possible that he's never left Alabama. I wonder if he likes Chinese or Mexican food. Probably just b... Show more

  •   maddog123 May 9, 2015

    Fuck Minn they got a whole town of these fucks are you one of them we are at war are you my enemy you fuck if you sit there and say you don't judge religion you better these fucks declared war on all of us not just in the middle east fuck fuck Islam fuck Isis fuck Minn fuck ala and if you t?ell me them fucks don't have a community there you sir are a fucking liar and a Isis loving fuck

  • rodeye2 May 8, 2015

    All you guys read right thru the pic and chose racism...unreal. Other than the chink at the bottom and we don't know the rest of it this pic is saying you're in America now learn to speak english, the chosen language for the U.S. I don't expect to travel to another country and for them to have to understand me and change their ways to accommodate me.

  •   maddog123 May 6, 2015

    There are whole community's there in the twin full of these fucks every time you watch the news these people are recruited out of there moron123

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