"Fucked it up playing soccer... I guess that's why the rest of the world calls it football, so you know not to use your hands.""Buddy was drunk and chopping wood with a machete. H..."Fucked it up playing soccer... I guess that's why the rest of the world calls it football, so you know not to use your hands.""Buddy was drunk and chopping wood with a machete. He missed. Tore a tendon and nicked the bone. We are from WV feel free to tie in any hillbilly jokes."
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Poor guy can't snap his fingers.
2inthestink would not a prove
They are both Fucked up, As for the drunk dude, DO NOT DRINK AND SLIT WOOD, OR YOU WILL END UP LOOSING A MF" LIMB....
Concerned for everyone's safety, Robert Hallock
the truckingman.