When I hear people complaining about bullying, or something being unfair I think of something like this. Some people are here to serve no purpose other than to piss you the fuck off. I have ...When I hear people complaining about bullying, or something being unfair I think of something like this. Some people are here to serve no purpose other than to piss you the fuck off. I have a feeling this rooster saw his last day here.
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Actually there are mexican tiles that are sun dried, and sometimes a raccoon will run across them, and they become worth more because those affected tiles can be sold as a set.. I wouldn't doubt they put the bird there on purpose to get a similar effect.
I love how he just loves the soft consistency.
Call Adam....he's a specialist of the cock trail.
Actually there are mexican tiles that are sun dried, and sometimes a raccoon will run across them, and they become worth more because those affected tiles can be sold as a set.. I wouldn't doubt they put the bird there on purpose to get a similar effect.