Lucky Number 24

Lucky Number 24
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43,488 Views 9 years ago Slutty

Hey number 24, I think you are number 1 in my book. My book is actually a book about titties, and right now, you are number 1 and number 69, which is also number 1 in my book. Can you blow m... Show more

  • joedumber July 19, 2015

    i don't undestand women sometiems. is there a hypocrocy word terminology for the difference between women who expose themselves for money and those who don't?

  • wardo56 July 18, 2015


  •   happyjack July 17, 2015

    He would have been way better off paying a high class call girl $2k. That peice of pussy that night probably cost him a few million dollars when you factor in loss of sponsors, lawyers, and the civil suit he settled with her.

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