There goes all our hard earned money

There goes all our hard earned money
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Big Jeff
30,590 Views 9 years ago Accidents

Man look at all those tax dollars just disintegrate. $17million gone just like that and that's just one of the planes we own that is severely outdated. I know our military is our crutch on d... Show more

  • redhedridr July 31, 2015


  • spartan22407 July 29, 2015

    The Alabama ANG pilot reported that his canopy was fogging up and called "KNOCK IT OFF" for the aerial demonstration at Oshkosh, Wisconsin. He was damn lucky to land his aircraft, but was too distracted (understandably) trying to fly his aircraft by increasing his angle of attack (AOA) on landing- a maneuver designed to reduce his speed -that he failed to deploy his air brakes which could have slowed him further. Additionally, because his AOA was high and his canopy fogged up, he failed to realize where is aircraft was pointed, which is why he ran off the side of the runway and nose planted. The aircraft "only" suffered approx. $5 million in damages and will be salvaged to either fly again. The pilot was able to leave the aircraft upon stop and briskly walked away from crash. The gear crumpled once he left the hardball surface and the nosecone, avionics in the front of the cockpit were damaged. Although the F-16 has garnered the nickname "Lawn Dart," but over the years since it's introduction into the fleet, the F-16 has delivered time and again and our nation's return on investment has been 100-fold. In the Air Force, they are affectionately called Vipers, due to when they were introduced and at the time Battlestar Galactica was on TV and both vehicles had that massive vertical stabilizer. That's enough chatter from me; I get a kick out of some of the comments though...Cheers!

  •   GrimmWilder July 29, 2015


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